
I’m trying to make this website work well enough to keep people informed of Robert’s progress on Monday. I don’t think I’ll succeed.
It’s a good time for me to bring some perspective to this effort. True, I would like to avoid countless telephone calls on Monday. I was hoping to have the site built out so that I could ask someone else to post updates for me. That way the burden of updates could be shifted so that anyone who wants one could get it without my having to post them.

I’m trying to make this website work well enough to keep people informed of Robert’s progress on Monday. I don’t think I’ll succeed.
It’s a good time for me to bring some perspective to this effort. True, I would like to avoid countless telephone calls on Monday. I was hoping to have the site built out so that I could ask someone else to post updates for me. That way the burden of updates could be shifted so that anyone who wants one could get it without my having to post them.
I probably could do it if I did nothing else between now and bedtime Sunday. Not going to happen…
So, back to the issue of perspective: I know that Monday is not the end of our road. It’s a good bet there will be ample opportunities to use this website that way in the future.
I’m going to work in my garden tomorrow! Then I’ll work on this blog.