
A new look!

At last, the beginnings of a new theme for my website! I am approaching the point where I want to migrate content from to this website, and I’ve created a tab for Editing & Publishing, my business (officially now known as Hazel Becker, Editing & Publishing LLC). Progress … but yes, a work in progress!

At last, the beginnings of a new theme for my website! I am approaching the point where I want to migrate content from to this website, and I’ve created a tab for Editing & Publishing, my business (officially now known as Hazel Becker, Editing & Publishing LLC). Progress … but yes, a work in progress!
I had a vision for the theme, some of which may not work in the long run. Robert took my vision and made it happen online. I’m learning about Drupal 7, making changes as I learn. At this point, the live site is my sandbox – forgive me if it looks different every time you come here for a while.
Questions remain.

Is the banner photo too big? Does it make people scroll too soon after arriving at the site?

What content on my old website won’t make it here? I don’t need all those work samples, so I’ll have to pick and choose. But which ones? Those I love the most and am proudest of are not necessarily the most important to display on a freelancer’s website.

How will the balance between my blog and my business website come out? Am I interested enough in being an active freelancer again to make it primary, or will I relegate it to some minor slot?

Just how quickly will I learn Drupal 7? How much of the functionality I’m looking for will I be able to build on my own? How can I keep my website from being just one more online space for Robert to tend?

Will adaptive design allow me to post and change things from my tablet? Does it matter?

Do looks really matter anyway? Or is content still queen?
We’ll see where it ends up as time goes on. Meanwhile, here we are – at the beginning.